
Revista dos Discentes do Programa de
Pós-Graduação em Antropologia da UFBA
Laroyê Magazine! aims to publish unpublished articles of students, but also of professors, linked to the PPGA UFBA, as well as researchers from other universities whose work is in connection with the investigations carried out in the scope of our program, Dedicating itself to scientific dissemination in the most varied areas of the field of anthropology.
Periodicity: semiannual
ISSN: [on record]

Anthropology in Progress Series
The series "Anthropology in progress " presents collections of unpublished articles of professors, but also students, linked to the PPGA UFBA, as well as researchers from other universities whose work is in connection with the investigations carried out in the scope of our program, dedicating itself to make available in book format results of thematic debates in most varied areas of theAnthropology Area.
Periodicity: Annual
ISSN: [on record]